What to Read, Listen to, and Watch in a Pandemic

Books to Read:
  • Prayer by Tim Keller
    • What a unique time this is in which to pursue devotion to prayer. This book absolutely transformed my prayer life - it not only helped me understand what prayer is, but also opened the eyes of my heart to see the beauty of it, and caused me to desire and fight for joy in intimacy with God through prayer. This book is uniquely helpful because in it Keller combines theological and practical elements, so that all at once your mind is informed, your heart is stirred, and your hands are given tools with which to apply the truths you learn.
  • The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment by Jeremiah Burroughs
    • The best book I've read on what Paul talks about when he says "I have learned the secret of being content in any and every circumstance." These are trying times we're living in, and the fragility of earthly things in which we put our hope and joy has never been more evident to us. How important it is in this time especially to learn the secret of being content. Read this prayerfully, because it will deeply convict you. It will also point you to the sufficiency and supremacy of Christ in all things, so let this lead you not only to confession but also to worship.
  • Competing Spectacles by Tony Reinke
    • We've all got a lot of time on our hands, and it's easy to justify gorging ourselves on the many spectacles offered us by social media, movies and TV, video games, etc. This is a well-researched, informative book which describes how these spectacles attract our attention and can easily control us. More importantly, however, it will redirect your gaze to the supreme Spectacle who alone should arrest our attention--Jesus Christ--and give practical tools for how we can treasure Christ above these other spectacles. 
Sermons to Listen to:
  • "Who Will Give My Head Waters?" John Piper
    • What is the proper Christian response to tragedy? How do we weep as we rest in God's sovereignty? Suffering and death are all around us, but many of us are either not directly affected or not affected as severely as those in places like Italy, Iran, New York, and developing countries which lack the capacity to deal with such a pandemic. We are quick to acknowledge God's sovereignty over all things and move on with our comfortable quarantine non-adventures. But let's consider how Scripture calls us to respond and "pray for holy tears" as we are confronted with this world's brokenness. 
  • "Covid-19 and Loving Your Neighbor" Jason Meyer
    • Exactly what it says. A solid exposition of Luke 10:25-37 with applications very pertinent to our current circumstances. Bonus: Good Neighbor Bingo Card with lots of tangible ways to love our neighbors in this time.
  • "With the Anxious" Tim Keller 
    • The best talk on Mary and Martha I've ever heard, and relevant to the pandemic because God has forced many of us to slow down and has exposed the insincerity of much our Christian ministry due to sheer busyness. We think many things are necessary but truly just one is: to sit at the feet of Jesus, under his authority, listening to his word. This could not have been more timely for me--an exhortation to sit at the feet of Jesus, to strive to know him more deeply, to be satisfied in him alone. Obedience over activity.
Songs to Sing:
Songs to Listen to:
  • Romans 8 Live by Immanuel Worship - Listen to Romans 8, one of the richest chapters in the Bible, put to music. Use this to memorize and meditate on the truth of the gospel and all its glorious implications for those who believe.
  • Spotify playlist comprised of songs that I enjoy listening to (i.e., not worship songs per se) which help me set my mind on things above.
Videos to Watch:
  • Look at the Book with John Piper
    • These are videos where John Piper looks very in-depth at various passages of Scripture, often working through whole chapters or books (very slowly, of course). If you want to know how to study the Bible better, if you're struggling to dig deep into God's Word, if you simply want to know God more - watch these. Start with the ones on Psalm 1, and Romans 8. He's done almost the entire book of Philippians so I'd recommend those as well.
  • David Platt's family worship
    • This is probably the sweetest thing that's come out of the coronavirus yet.
  • Francis Chan's Encouragement to the Church During Hardships
  • Though You Slay Me by Shane & Shane
  • This a'cappella rendition of Great Is Thy Faithfulness
Hope this helps in some small way!


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